Heeni has taught over 7000 people nationwide the dynamics of maramataka
Providing cultural advise and translating ancient Māori knowledge into modern day practical application is her expertise. This year Heeni continues to provide support to Health organisations, Education institutes, Corporate businesses, Cultural creatives and where her heart ultimately lies, grass roots communities.
Mokopuna (grandchild) o Te Titiri o Waitangi, Maramataka expert, environmental activist, gardener and native designer at transforming tikanga (Māori customs) and ancient Māori knowledge into the modern-day form.
CONTACT HEENIPrevious Clients
Iwi / Hapu / Community Organisations
Click the down arrow to view clients
- 155 Awhina House
- Akau Studio
- Basement Theatre
- Cinco Cine Scripts
- Creative NZ
- Department of Internal Affairs - National Office
- ENVIRONS - Te Uri o Hau
- Enviroschools
- Foundation North
- Grassroots MAPAS
- Horahora School
- Hua Parakore / Story Box
- I have a Dream
- Kaitaia Intermediate School
- Kauri Ora
- Lifewise Family Services Online and In person (Staff and Clients)
- Mana Wahine Event
- Manawa Ora
- Maori TV
- Maritime NZ
- Ministry for Environment
- Ministry of Education
- MOJ Focus Group Keynote
- NDHB - Oral Health Service
- NDHB - Te Roopu Kimiora
- Nga Tai Ora
- Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services
- Ngataki School
- Ngati Hine Health Trust (Decol workshop)
- NZEI Auckland Area Council AGM Online Hui
- NZEI Te Riuroa
- Oranga Tamariki
- Otangarei Trust
- Paeheretia te Muka Tangata - Ngati Hine Health Trust
- Pukahakaha Trust
- Raukawa Charitable Trust
- Rapaura Springs Garden Marlborough Festival
- Taitokerau Maori Netball
- Te Ha Oranga (Mana Wahine Wellbeing Wananga
- Te Hiku Okoro
- Te Matarau a Maui
- Te Pukenga - Career Force
- Te Pukenga BCITO
- Te Puni Kokiri
- Te Putahitanga
- Te Rarawa Family Start Regional Conference (Whanau Ora Providers)
- Te Rito Maioha
- Te Rongopae Wananga (Roma Marae)
- Te Roroa Kauri Ora
- Te Tira Whakamataki
- Te Wananga o Aotearoa
- Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri
- Te Whariki X
- Teachfirst NZ
- Tuituia Learning Services
- Tutamawahine Org
- Vodafone NZ
- Waikare Development Trust
- Wilford School (Petone)
- World Indigenous Peoples Day
- Relative Media
- Bay of Islands Maternity Unit
- Navigate Me
- Kauri Ora
Workshops with Heeni Hoterene
Plan the the year with Heeni Hoterene
Regular price $45.00 NZD+gstRegular priceUnit price+gst +gst per +gst+gst+gstSale price $45.00 NZD+gstSold out
What you can expect to learn at our workshops?
We have a range of workshops available where you can learn about all things Maramataka. Workshops are designed specifically for your organisation focusing on how to apply mātauranga Maramataka in workplace planning, productivity and wellbeing. This knowledge can be utilised by participants to guide planning and application of their work practice, self-care practice and where appropriate service development and delivery. All workshops are developed around ancient Māori knowledge that will benefit you or your business in everyday life.
Previous client testimonials:
Programs Designed for your Industry
For Corporate bookings
Contact Keryn Jones for availability or email maramamaori@gmail.com
We can discuss co-designing a unique package for your organisation, marae or roopu needs. Graduates will receive a Maramataka accreditation, Tohu.